during the celebration of the ritual of the opening of the mouth,
performed by a sem-priest dressed of a leopard skin. He has survived the
damage and is attended by a lector-priest. In front of them are the
necessary implements for the ritual and the chest which contained them,
as well as offerings and traditional aromatics. Behind the two priests
are the mourners, whose representations have not been finished.
Nevertheless, the group of three crouching women, who hold their left
hands on their heads (a gesture signifying that they cover themselves
with dust), present a certain something which draws attention to them Several more female mourners stand behind them.

Behind them arrives the long procession. It is necessary to understand that it is on the path leading to the tomb, and that close to it, small light buildings would have been constructed to place the offerings. These are displayed above the procession depicted in the two registers.
The first six men carry on their shoulders a yoke which they support with their right hand. At either end is a white basket. In their left hand they hold a jar . Above the second and third man is represented a pond with lotus flowers.
Behind the six porters, are (four?) oxen, which assist three men to pull a sledge. Two drovers direct the animals. The first drover carries a vessel containing water, perhaps intended to ease the runners of the sledge.
Immediately on top of the sledge is a representation of a
sacred barque, on which rests the coffin of Userhat, containing his
mummy; this is in a catafalque whose roof has the shape of a primitive
sanctuary of the Old Kingdom. A red and white striped canvas is
stretched over it. (Note the amazing ability in ancient Egyptian art and
representation, for the deceased to be in two places at once. Also we
have no knowledge of a representation with this colourful motif in any
other tomb.) The catafalque is watched over at the front and at the rear
by two goddesses, each holding a papyrus stem; These are of course Isis
and Nephthys, who watch over the deceased, the new Osiris, as they did
for their brother, husband and lover, Osiris himself.
Six colleagues of Userhat follow the sledge, to which it is necessary to add the five mentioned previously on the adjacent section of the north wall All are hold their right wrist with their left hand.

Directly below the sledge, in the same area as the stored offerings of the middle register, five men pull a smaller sledge on which is the chest containing the canopic jars. These contain the mummified viscera of the deceased. This is really the continuation of the upper register.
Behind the sledge with the canopic jars are two servants, who belong to the beginning (left) of the register below. On the adjacent north wall (as previously mentioned) are two registers of women who all hold their bent left arm with their right hand . Their identity is unknown and certainly not specified, but in any case, these are ladies of quality, who could be relatives of the deceased or his wife. They certainly belong somewhere in the procession, but where exactly?
Behind them arrives the long procession. It is necessary to understand that it is on the path leading to the tomb, and that close to it, small light buildings would have been constructed to place the offerings. These are displayed above the procession depicted in the two registers.
The first six men carry on their shoulders a yoke which they support with their right hand. At either end is a white basket. In their left hand they hold a jar . Above the second and third man is represented a pond with lotus flowers.
Behind the six porters, are (four?) oxen, which assist three men to pull a sledge. Two drovers direct the animals. The first drover carries a vessel containing water, perhaps intended to ease the runners of the sledge.
Six colleagues of Userhat follow the sledge, to which it is necessary to add the five mentioned previously on the adjacent section of the north wall All are hold their right wrist with their left hand.
Directly below the sledge, in the same area as the stored offerings of the middle register, five men pull a smaller sledge on which is the chest containing the canopic jars. These contain the mummified viscera of the deceased. This is really the continuation of the upper register.
Behind the sledge with the canopic jars are two servants, who belong to the beginning (left) of the register below. On the adjacent north wall (as previously mentioned) are two registers of women who all hold their bent left arm with their right hand . Their identity is unknown and certainly not specified, but in any case, these are ladies of quality, who could be relatives of the deceased or his wife. They certainly belong somewhere in the procession, but where exactly?
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